Thursday, October 3, 2013


The final so far. I will be moving on to another piece, but I will be visiting this again in a few weeks. But as for now, enjoy!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Color makes me smile.

other ideas

Process work for the comp I'm working on. All I did was figure out the color palette for the environment which was pretty linear, except for the slight green. Goals: Atmosphere and focal points!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Comp ideas

I like both of these and could continue either. Although I think I prefer the top one a bit more.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Character walk planning - Aria

This would be the character I am going to animate named Aria. Along with a bunch of planning. Enjoy :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Update. I've been away for too long!

Hey so I have a new website that's been up for a few weeks now with a bunch of my animation. It's recent stuff, much more recent than what is on here. There is a short film animation that I had been working on for about 15 weeks that this blog saw nothing of, so go take a look.

Check it:
My animation website.

I also have a channel on youtube where I upload all of my animations as well.
Short film on Youtube:
Short film

One last thing. I'll be drawing more and uploading more sketches from now on. And to start it off, I've uploaded some exploration sketches for a new team project! We have 5 members and each of us is coming up with a concept. We will be voting on which concept to pursue in approximately a week.

Character and Environment Exploration

This is the direction I'm headed in I think with the environment and characters for my new project. A little fantasy, a little modern.