Thursday, October 3, 2013


The final so far. I will be moving on to another piece, but I will be visiting this again in a few weeks. But as for now, enjoy!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Color makes me smile.

other ideas

Process work for the comp I'm working on. All I did was figure out the color palette for the environment which was pretty linear, except for the slight green. Goals: Atmosphere and focal points!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Comp ideas

I like both of these and could continue either. Although I think I prefer the top one a bit more.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Character walk planning - Aria

This would be the character I am going to animate named Aria. Along with a bunch of planning. Enjoy :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Update. I've been away for too long!

Hey so I have a new website that's been up for a few weeks now with a bunch of my animation. It's recent stuff, much more recent than what is on here. There is a short film animation that I had been working on for about 15 weeks that this blog saw nothing of, so go take a look.

Check it:
My animation website.

I also have a channel on youtube where I upload all of my animations as well.
Short film on Youtube:
Short film

One last thing. I'll be drawing more and uploading more sketches from now on. And to start it off, I've uploaded some exploration sketches for a new team project! We have 5 members and each of us is coming up with a concept. We will be voting on which concept to pursue in approximately a week.

Character and Environment Exploration

This is the direction I'm headed in I think with the environment and characters for my new project. A little fantasy, a little modern.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Something Different

Something different, and a break from modelling and animating. I love painting and storyboards too! Telling stories are so fun. These are just beat studies, obviously. these are as simple as you could make them while still getting the story across. These are short films, by the way. So The structure is a little different. (A little)